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The Mavise sustainability pledge is to give the customer the best, most efficiently produced product that will perform to their expectations with minimal impact on cost, the environment and to ultimately be recyclable. Not all of that is achievable today. This is why we feel the most important thing is to be a sustainable business reducing our impact on the planet now.
Mavise is conscious of the environment and thus we have partnered with printers that uphold progressive sustainability work. In a quest for sustainability, here is a list of initiatives that our partners have successfully implemented.

 Electricity from renewable resources 

We do not want to take off the earth’s non-renewable resources. Therefore, all the electricity for printing- and processing machines is produced entirely by renewable energy sources such as water- and wind power.

Print on-demand
We offer a customized product and keep no stock with wallpaper that risks being dated and discarded.
FSC certified paper
Our wallpapers are printed on non-woven FSC Certified paper. FSC is an independent, international non-profit, multi-stakeholder organisation that works for an environmentally friendly and viable use of the world’s forests.
100% non-toxic product chain
Our partners use the Xerography printing technology, which is 100% pure from solvents and other harmful substances. Our wallpapers are completely free from damaging VOC substances and have no negative impact on people, animals, or nature.
All raw materials within 1000 km
Everything we need to make our wall murals comes from a rather modest area.
Smart & efficient packing
The raw material is transported to us by boat, airplane and truck. The paper is purchased in large quantities in order to reduce deliveries, currently 2 times a year. For the transport of our finished product, we only use experienced couriers with pronounced environmental strategies.
Environmental proofed packaging
Cardboard and shock absorbing packaging is made of corrugated cardboard that is 100% recyclable.