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We understand that, with so many wallpaper alternatives available, it can be difficult to choose the right design and colour to fit your space and your style preferences. Moreover, seeing wallpaper on a computer screen can be challenging and some of our wallpapers have a texture in addition to being colourful. Therefore, in order to assist you in taking the first step in redecorating your home, we offer a sample service for our whole collection of wallpapers to assist you in making that first decision.
Our non-woven are currently charged at $5.50 per A4 sample and our textured vinyl and textile at $10 per A4 sample.
Every current Mavise wall mural is available as an A4 sample. 
When you receive your sample, we recommend...
Given the fact that light has a considerable impact on colour, it is vital that you move your samples throughout the room.
Consider placing your samples and swatches next to important pieces from your collection that you intend to keep for the long haul before purchasing them.
In addition to being an enjoyable activity to participate in, making your own mood board gives you the opportunity to gather all of your thoughts and decide on the colours and designs that would best suit your personality.