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How to Achieve an Industrial Interior Design Look

How to Achieve an Industrial Interior Design Look
The industrial interior design style is a popular choice for those in the creative field. This design style harkens back to a time when products were made by hand and with care. The finished product was something to be admired and cherished. This sentiment is echoed in the way that industrial interior designers approach their work.
Whether you are looking to add a more urban edge to your home or simply want to create a more industrial feel in your office space, there are a few key design elements you will need to incorporate. From exposed brick walls to exposed ceilings and metal details, here is how to achieve an industrial interior design look.

1. Exposed Brick Walls
One of the most popular features in an industrial style interior is exposed brick walls. This can be achieved by removing existing drywall to reveal the brick underneath or by adding faux brick panels. If you are going for a more authentic look, opt for the real thing. Otherwise, faux panels can provide the same visual aesthetic. Either way, exposed brick walls are a great way to add texture and character to any space.

Design: Mäike Design Studio

2. Exposed Ceilings
Another popular element in industrial spaces is exposed ceilings. This can be accomplished by removing drop ceilings or by simply leaving beams and ductwork exposed. This creates a more open and airy feel in the space and also helps to emphasize the height of the room. Exposed ceilings are also great for hiding unsightly wiring and plumbing that would otherwise be visible. 

Design: Double Volume - CGI

3. Metal Details
Another way to add an industrial feel to any space is by incorporating metal details. This can be done through the use of metal light fixtures, plumbing fixtures, furniture, and even wall art. Stainless steel is a popular choice for this style as it has a modern look and feel. However, other metals such as copper and brass can also be used to create an industrial aesthetic. Just be sure not to go overboard with metals as too much can look cluttered and busy.

Image: Living By Design

4. Concrete Floors
Concrete floors are another common element in industrial spaces thanks to their durable and easy-to-maintain nature. They are also widely available which makes them a more budget-friendly option than other flooring choices such as hardwood or tile. To give concrete floors a more finished look, they can be stained or painted in a variety of colors. This is also a great way to add some personality to the space without going overboard with decorating.

Design: Vincent Van Duysen

5. Simple Furnishings
When it comes to furnishing an industrial space, less is definitely more. Stick with simple furnishings that have clean lines and avoid anything that is too fussy or ornate. This will help to keep the space feeling open and airy while still providing all the necessary functions of a well-designed room. Choose furniture pieces made from natural materials such as wood or leather as they will complement the other raw materials used in the space such as concrete and metal. And don’t forget about storage! Adding storage options such as shelves or cabinets will help to keep the space organized and uncluttered.

Image: Pinterest

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