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A Wallpaper Collection Inspired by Australian Nature

A Wallpaper Collection Inspired by Australian Nature
Meet Saline
Travel with us to a collection of travel stories and photography, celebrating unique Australian natural wonders; from the seemingly-endless expanse of shimmering salt crystals with dreamlike pink and orange hues to the striking irreplaceable beauty directly from the ancient earth of natural stone.
There is something about being in nature that just feels good. Maybe it's the therapeutic properties of fresh air and sunshine, or the relaxing effect of listening to the sound of waves crashing on the shore. Whatever the reason, spending time in nature can be a truly rejuvenating experience.
The Saline collection is sure to inspire a sense of wonder, take a journey with us and explore some of Australia's most amazing natural wonders.
These murals provide a stunning visual escape to a world of peaceful serenity, featuring a variety of ethereal images that are sure to transform any space into a tranquil oasis. 
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